Fall Market Curry

A tomato curry loaded with seasonal market veggies, apple date chutney, and cashew lime crumble

Short History: There are tons of variations of curry around the world, with each culture changing the recipe slightly to make it their own. The world’s largest curry was made in Singapore in 2015 by the Indian Chefs and Culinary Association during the Suvai celebration – it weighed 33,838.9 pounds! The largest naan bread was made in 2016 in Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 70lbs, by Loblaw Companies Limited. The hottest curry in the world measures 1.5 million ratings on the Scoville Scale! This curry by the Vegan Taste gives you a great source of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C and K, folate, and more!

Customer Comments:

“A chutney, a crumble, and a curry! It’s not possible to eat this without audible delight and a smile.” – Rebecca Sp. from Phoenix

“Reminds me of East Coast autumn days.” – Janet Ku. from Phoenix

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